Les poteries d'Albi - Billetterie en ligne - Visites - Cours - Stage
DEAR LOVERS OF BEAUTIFUL POTTERY, WHY IS ALBI POTTERY, MORE THAN POTTERY, A FRENCH ART OF LIVING? Because I think with all humility, that Les Poteries d'Albi represents good taste, Handmade France , an Art of Living with all that that represents in terms of good taste in clothing, culinary diversity, architectural riches, diversity in terms of landscape. We are plural and rich in all these nuances just like our collections. Another year has passed, a new collection ends and another begins. Creation is an eternal beginning. We talk about the Italian Dolce Vita, I would talk about the Albigensian sweetness of life. I combine family know-how and working together with my team as well as daily inspiration. Every moment is full of little pleasures, beautiful encounters, moments of sharing.I like to be in contact with our customers to tell them our family story , to help them discover our beautiful profession, well anchored in our territory of Albi, but also to listen to them and better understand their expectations. Do not hesitate to send me your comments on my email lespoteriesdalbi@lespoteriesdalbi.fr I am committed, surrounded by my ""knowledgeable little hands"" and the support of my family, to offer you Pottery which has a soul and meaning, a history, which draws its strength from our roots, which enthusiasts have lovingly crafted in Albi . We handle a piece of earthenware no less than 24 times until it is shipped and it will take between 7 days and 1.5 months for the larger ones to perfect the manufacture of our terracotta pots .It takes time for the Earth, our Earth, to express itself, reveal itself, give the best of itself. We must not rush her, respect her in what is most essential. I invite you to discover our workshops on our YouTube page. So in all simplicity, I wish you a wonderful trip, and I say see you soon in our workshops, our city… Lore Camillo.
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